Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What comes to your mind when you hear the word reconciliation?

An estranged relationship, justification before God, or agreeing your checking account to the bank statement?

I enjoy thinking about this word because there are so many various examples, but the word basically means the same thing in each case... to harmonize.

Disharmony is a stressful concept to deal with.

As an auditor, there were many times that I had to try to figure out or ask the client why their figures did not reconcile. The number should tie out, but it doesn't. There is an unknown issue that must become known and corrected in order to issue a clean opinion on the financials.

Maybe you are in middle school or high school and you are annoyed with a friend. You decide to put that friENDship to an end because you feel disharmony around this person.

You may get into a heated discussion with another about a current event. You don't consider yourself a confrontational person, but you need to speak up, and it makes you so uncomfortable that you are exhausted when the discussion coms to a close.

You start seeing someone and develop a completely different outlook on the relationship than that person holds. Maybe you let imagination get the best of you and you fall into a pattern of cognitive dissonance where logic strikes a cord with emotion. It doesn't matter where you met: school, church, E-Harmony; this is a classic case of Dis-Harmony.

You mess up again. A fool repeating his folly. A dog returning to its vomit. Hurting first youself, then others too. You've done wrong in the sight of God.

In all cases, there must either be disharmony and stress or reconciliation and freedom.

Find that childhood friend on your social networking site of choice and make amends.
Try chatting with Ms. Heated Discussion about her life and forget the current event which has already come to pass.
Say "So long old dreams! I'm creating new dreams."
Ask for forgiveness, turn away from the old ways, and start walking towards God.

Easier said than done? That depends on your level of stubborness. Make your choice:
A. Disharmony and Sress
B. Reconciliation and Freedom

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